Arabic Study Program Conduct Thesis Examination Via Zoom
Monday, February 22, 2021, at the Meeting Room of the Arabic Language Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Unhas, a student thesis examination was held for 3 students who all wrote their thesis in Arabic. Names of students who took the exam thesis are: Nurlina (F41116304) write a thesis with the title “أسلوب مسند إليه في سورة النساء: دراسة تحليلية بلاغية“ “Risdayanti write thesis“ الأفعال المشاركة في القرأن الكريم: دراسة تحليلية نحوية “and Titi Risla Azis (F41116060 ) wrote a thesis with the title “المصطلحات العربية في قانون الطلاق: دراسة تحليلية بلاغية”