Center of excellence and reference in education, research and community development in Arabic language and culture based on the Indonesian Maritime Continent.
To achieve this vision, Arabic Study Program describes the duties, obligations, responsibilities, and action plans formulated under the vision of the Arabic Study Program that must be used for the development of Tri dharma, as the mission of the study program which consists of:
- To carry out qualified and integrated Arabic language and culture education aligning with stakeholders needs by referring to scientific competency standard and responding to changes.
- To develop researches emphasizing on Arabic language and culture in the scope of local, national and international.
- To carry out community service based on standards of Arabic language and culture field in supporting learning and advanced science and technology for academic community, government and community themselves.
- To build strategic relationship with community, government, business, industry, educational institutions and other higher education institutions both home country and abroad sustainably by applying the principles of equality, partnership and mutual trust.
- Developing the Image of the Arabic Literature Study Program as a nationally competitive study program in 2025,
- Creating a competitive advantage in the study program Optimal development of the Arabic Literature Study Program work unit,
- The realization of educational autonomy, Producing graduates who are nationally competitive in 2025, have an entrepreneurial spirit and master ICT,
- Providing information and data about problems faced by the world of education, business, and the industry as well as their relation to Arabic language and culture,
- Improve the quality of lecturer’s research results, the availability of research-based teaching materials,
- Build and empower through community services.
- To provide graduates who can convey their studies’ results to the public and compete at the regional, national, and international levels.
- To realize the academic community’s ability to be independent (autonomous) and able to direct themselves (self-directed) to study, research, analyze and solve problems in the field of Arabic language and culture.
- To Increase the quantity and quality of graduates with a minimum GPA of 3.50 within a maximum travel time of 8 (eight) semesters
- To Increase the quality of organizational governance so that all activities are carried out and well organized and procedural by the policies and stipulations of the pesantren’s institutions and rules.
- To provide qualified graduates with Islamic identity who are acceptable in the world of work and have competitiveness at the national, regional, and international levels.
- To realize innovative research programs that are valuable and effective under science and technology and society’s needs.
- To increase community service activities that can become alternative solutions to various problems and community needs.
- To increase the quality of teaching and education personnel, the quality of the learning process, and the quality of facilities, infrastructure, and supporting equipment.