The Arabic Study Program was founded in 1965 when it was a study program from the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences (FISBUD). The West Asian Literature Study Program at that time was named Islamic Literature and Culture (SARKIS). This department was suspended when Daud Yusuf was minister of P&K and was reopened during Nugroho Notosusanto. The next few years are based on SK. Unhas Chancellor No. 8154 / A / 0/1983, further strengthened by DIKTI decree No.234 / DIKTI / KEP. / 1986, this department officially stood alone under the name of the West Asian Literature Department under the auspices of the Faculty of Letters, Hasanuddin University.
In general, the Arabic Literature department’s teaching staff remains responsible for serving lectures in this study program. However, starting in 2005, specifically the introductory computer application courses, the faculty, staff and laboratory (resources) courses used were the resources found in the Arabic literature department. Likewise with several activities of other departments at the Faculty of Letters and UPT, for example MKU (Islamic religion lecturers) and the Language Center, regional literature study programs that require lectures or computer training using Arabic literature computer laboratories. Likewise, groups of people who need Arabic language computer programming services also use the same resources. Thus, these activities that utilize the resources in the Arabic Literature Study Program require a good teaching management system.
The only grants that have been received by the study program so far are SP4 grants that have just ended (starting from 2005-2006). In 2001, the study program competed in the SemiQue project, however it only reached the stage of submitting university level proposals. By 2004, the leadership of the department began to make improvements to participate in the SP4 program and was declared to have passed the 2005/2006 fiscal year. This grant program provides space and support for the management development capacity of the department. With this grant, learning facilities are available, such as comp lab, department information system and e-learning. However, the system produced by this SP4 grant must be terminated because Unhas has used an information system and academic management as well as a Learning Management System (LMS) since 2007. This requirement is due to the Unhas Inhrent Program which integrates all information systems owned by the Study Program in the Unhas environment so far.
In 2010, the Arabic Literature Study Program again submitted a proposal for the Institution-Based Competition Grant Program (PHK-I). Together with four other study programs within the Unhas environment, the Arabic Literature Study Program again won the PHK-I grant. In addition, the PHK-I grant for the selection year 2010 was won by 13 (thirteen) universities throughout Indonesia, including Hasanuddin University. In other words, four study programs including the Arabic Literature study program became representatives of Hasanuddin University in winning the PHK-I grant for the 2010 selection. This grant will last for three years, from 2011 to 2013.